Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Apple Upside-Down Cake


I'm really crazy about "upside-down" cakes these days... haha... You can use just about every fruit you can think of and bake it into a cake... Today, I tried apple... beautifuuuuul.... nice and light... perfect as a tea cake... I can imagine sitting in a garden.. with a cool breeze... sipping on hot tea and eating the cake... Oh no, I'm dreaming again... or rather, it's just wishful thinking on my part... haha...

Have been feeling uphappy these days.... but I realised that baking can make me happy... it can boost my confidence... and the look on everyone's face after eating my cake... priceless...

i just wana be happy... happy.... happy... lalala.....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pineapple Upside Down Cake... Finally a decent one

Yeah! Encouraged by the successful peach cake i did this afternoon, I decided to continue with this "lucky streak" and try the pineapple upside down cake... Ok not too bad... as long as it is edible.. I will consider it a success... haha... Time for my guinea pigs to try it...

Peach Upside-Down Cake

As mentioned in my earlier post, I tried baking the pineapple upside-down cake and it was DISASTROUS! Today, I plucked up my courage to try 'upside-down cake' again... and used leftover peaches from the fridge... it took double the time to bake and I thought this was it again... disaster... But surprisingly... it came out beautifully... however, I found the top abit too 'pale'... so i popped it into the microwave for a few minutes and viola... it turned a little brownish... Would like to be slightly more brownish... but the microwave oven died on me! Sighz...

Anyway, I just cut the cake as it is... Took me awhile to pluck up my courage to try it... haha... sounds terrible... but the taste of the disastrous pineapple upside-down cake kept coming to mind... and I am just afraid of tasting the same thing again... the first bite was filled with reluctance but once it was in the mouth... everything was great! the cake was moist but not too sticky... cooked just nicely... sweetness was just right... just peach-fect... perfect i mean...

Yummy! Will try pineapple upside-down with the same recipe...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mango Peach Yoghurt Cake

Boring Saturday + Extra mangoes & peach & strawberries = Mango Peach Yoghurt Cake

Bought too many mangoes for a cake order yesterday... and gosh, there were 6 mangoes left sitting in the fridge... and based on previous experience... these mangoes will just rot in the fridge if un-used... hmm... decided to make them "die" with dignity.. use it on a cake... Had a few cans of fruits in syrup... Guess peach will be a good choice...

The 1st part of it was uneventful... everything went well... the cake was "destroyed" at the last part... grrr!!!! after arranging the mangoes and peaches on top of some cream... I poured agar agar on it... UNFORTUNATELY, there was some holes between the cake tin and the cake.. so part of the agar agar mixture flowed out onto the cake base... Noooooooooo!!! and like before, the table top and stove was a mess with overflowed agar agar... sighz.... so upset with myself... Nevertheless, the cake is still edible... just that it is maybe not "picture-perfect"....

Let's see the final product... will cut after the agar agar has set...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Bro mel!

My cousins came over to my house to celebrate the birthday of one of our cousins, Melvin... As I was pressed for time (had to prepare the steamboat lunch)... I needed a fast and delicious birthday cake... Chocolate cake came to mind... Guess this is an "all-time favourite" for everyone...

Really happy to know that everyone loved the cake... Abit too sweet and chocolatey to my liking... BUT eventually, it is the feedbacks and positive comments from the tasters that counts... and this is what motivates me to provide yummy cakes to my customers...

Whether or not I can continue with this passionate hobby will be decided by an unforeseen circumstance, unexpected opportunity and unknown outcome... DILEMMA...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

First 2yo & 3yo birthday cakes

I was really happy and excited to receive a phone call from a lady who would like to order a mango cake for her son's 2yo birthday... this is the 1st children birthday cake that I would be baking... and the challenge was to make it "abit interesting" for the little boy... Furthermore, it was on a mango cake... so it posed a bigger challenge to me... After 2 days of deliberating, I decided against using cars as there would be small parts and would be dangerous for this kid... After walking around and searching for toys... I saw this cute little 'month' bear... I then decided to use this and make it into a "picture" of a bear holding balloons... As I believe that this cake would be eaten by adults... I would use ingredients that could be eaten, rather than put all the toys/decorations that could only be "seen" and not eaten... Thus, I used dragon fruit, strawberries and longan as the 'balloons'... After placing everything on the cake and sealing it with jelly... I realised that I could have done a better job by making the "balloons" rounder... Haiz... Never mind... Next time will be better...

I do hope the family likes the cake... Happy Birthday!!! :-D

A week later, I have an order for a 3yo child's birthday cake... managed to find a little bear holding a cake.. and I thought this would be appropriate for a little kid... not sure if all the kids at the childcare could eat yoghurt or not... so i suggested to the mother that we should maybe omit yoghurt and just use whipped cream instead... Was glad to receive a sms from the mother saying that the kids at the childcare centre loved the cake.. and even asked for 2nd helping... this is really a great encouragement.... and it made my day!

Thanks Lynda and Karen...