Saturday, August 1, 2009

First 2yo & 3yo birthday cakes

I was really happy and excited to receive a phone call from a lady who would like to order a mango cake for her son's 2yo birthday... this is the 1st children birthday cake that I would be baking... and the challenge was to make it "abit interesting" for the little boy... Furthermore, it was on a mango cake... so it posed a bigger challenge to me... After 2 days of deliberating, I decided against using cars as there would be small parts and would be dangerous for this kid... After walking around and searching for toys... I saw this cute little 'month' bear... I then decided to use this and make it into a "picture" of a bear holding balloons... As I believe that this cake would be eaten by adults... I would use ingredients that could be eaten, rather than put all the toys/decorations that could only be "seen" and not eaten... Thus, I used dragon fruit, strawberries and longan as the 'balloons'... After placing everything on the cake and sealing it with jelly... I realised that I could have done a better job by making the "balloons" rounder... Haiz... Never mind... Next time will be better...

I do hope the family likes the cake... Happy Birthday!!! :-D

A week later, I have an order for a 3yo child's birthday cake... managed to find a little bear holding a cake.. and I thought this would be appropriate for a little kid... not sure if all the kids at the childcare could eat yoghurt or not... so i suggested to the mother that we should maybe omit yoghurt and just use whipped cream instead... Was glad to receive a sms from the mother saying that the kids at the childcare centre loved the cake.. and even asked for 2nd helping... this is really a great encouragement.... and it made my day!

Thanks Lynda and Karen...

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