Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oreo Cake / Pineapple Unside Down Cake

I have been baking for the past few days... Just trying out new recipes as well as improving on the old... Was really happy to receive rather good reviews from my customers on the cakes they ordered for Father's Day... Thanks to all who have provided me with constructive comments and I will definitely improve on it... In the meantime, do show me your continuous support! :D

On the cakes that I baked yesterday and today, there were flops... and success... i know what and where went wrong... So the next try will be great! yeah!

Just look at the pineapple upside down cake... I think it looks ok... But looks can be deceiving... haha... it was awfuuuully sweet... and I had actually wanted to make the cake softer by adding some pineapple syrup... Unfortunately, I have gone overboard... duhz... The cake was soft... too soft... Grrrr.... and I believe this cake was not supposed to be cottony soft in the first place... Boo-boo... And I MUST cut down on the sugar the next time...

Now, for the Oreo cake... luckily it was edible... it was my very 1st attempt after all... but from what I gather, many of my "guinea pigs" and customers do not like their cakes too sweet... and this cake IS sweet... so I must also cut down on the sugar. Apart from taste, I will also need to improve on the presentation... and yea, it will be part of the cake list soon... :-D

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