Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Choc Mousse Cake

It's been a while since I updated my blog... During this period, I was trying to perfect my durian cake as well as try on a new recipe, chocolate mousse cake...

Well, I believe in the term 'trial and error' and 'practice makes perfect'... coz I've finally succeeded in both... I had to throw away tons of "failed" cakes... heart ache, of course.... but once I make a successful one, the exhilaration far outweighs all the disappointments... :-D

The 2 rectangular ones were "decorated" by Lynn and me... A little messy... but well, we had fun... The one below that looks like a "castle" was decorated by Lynn... a little "marshmellow overdose"... but cute :-D

Now i just have to wait for interested customers to order my cake... and in the meantime, I wil continue to "experiment" on other cakes.... hmm, what's next?

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