Friday, July 31, 2009

Tau Sah Piah

Came across Aunty Yochana's blog and saw all her beautiful recipes... Then suddenly something caught my eyes... It's TAU SAH PIAH-piah-piah... Actually I'm not a super-lover of tau sah piahs coz I find that it is abit dry and it will leave a mess on the floor after eating it... BUT tubby hubby and tubby daddy loooooves it... so I've decided to try baking it using 1/4 of her original recipe...

Not bad for a first try... But the crust cracked while baking.... Hmm... and I find that the crust was abit too thick... guess I will try to make it thinner the next round...

Oooh tea time! Yumz....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mummy's favourite - Light Fruit Cake

I am so happy! Finally succeeded in baking my mummy's favourtite cake - Light Fruit Cake... Was really worried about this recipe initially as it calls for a rather large amount of butter, sugar, flour and dried fruits AND long baking time... Being the "poor" housewife, what I really don't want now is to waste my ingredients and electricity on a failed cake... duhz.. Not that I have not experienced it... I lose money on at least 4 failed cakes per week... haha... Now I know why my dustbin is so heavy and my wallet so light... Oops :-P

But anyway, back to this beautiful cake... Guess my real happiness stems from the fact that I managed to make one of mummy's favourite cake with the cake mixer that she has recently bought for me... Dunno what else I can give her... definitely not money... (if not, I wouldn't have asked her to buy the mixer for me... whahhaa)... So i think the best present is the simplest one... Bake a cake... And mummy is so funny... every time I tell her about my successful cakes, she would laugh and say "yea, coz of the cake mixer I bought"... yah yah yah... but I couldn't agree more... Coz the cakes I baked recently turned out much better... and I really believe it's the magic that the mixer has done... yi fen qian, yi fen huo... The cheap old mixer has served me well... but seriously, it didn't mix the batter as well as this one...

Ok 'nuff said... I don't eat fruit cakes... so I could only get my helper Lynn, to try it... and yeap, she said it was nice... Yippee!!!

Oh forgot to add.. this fruit cake was after an earlier disastrous (not really that bad lah... just too much egg thus causing the cake to be abit too moist... eew) carrot cake that I tried to bake this morning... and as usual, it's in the bin now... hohoho... NOW, I know why I'm so happy about this final product...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Strawberry Jelly Cake

I went to Cold Storage today and saw strawberries on sale... So I bought 2 big punnets... And decided to make Strawberry Cake again... specially for Chelsey and Cyrus(my niece and nephew)... unlike the previous cake, where I put fresh half-cut strawberries on top as decoration... I have decided to put the chopped strawberries and make it into a jelly bowl... As I have cut too much strawberries to be used in the filling... I do hope the jelly will not slide off the cake when we cut it... **fingers crossed** :-D

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Choc Mousse Puff

After trying the durian puff... i have decided to make choc mousse puff... just refined on the choc mousse part... this choux pastry batter was less runny as compared to the earlier ones I did yesterday... so it was easier to pipe... It turned out quite nice...and viola, my choc mousse puff...

But I think I had put abit too much choc for the mousse... coz the entire puff just tasted like chocolate-chocolate... if you know what I mean... I asked my tubby hubby for his comments and he said its just like eating chocolate... eh.... I don't think this was the result I had wanted... haha.. But never mind... at least it was good overall.. Just need to remind myself NOT to dump too much choc chips into the mousse...

Time to try again!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Durian Puff

Told myself I was gonna take a break and NOT bake anything yesterday... but alas, my itchy fingers could not control themselves... Decided to bake some puffs... since I had some durian left in the freezer, I decided to make durian puff...

I failed terribly previously... My friend taught me how to bake cream puffs... when she was here with me, the puff turned out nicely... but when i tried to bake it myself... they were hard as rocks... Guess I had put too much flour... greedy me... 'cause I thought that the batter was too runny, so I added flour... and who knows... too much too much... Ugh... and I also tried making the durian filling... those days, I did not know how to whip the cream... by the time it was added to the durian pulp, it was disgusting and watery.. oh no, maybe I should not have posted this... haha...

But anyway, I tried again yesterday, after 2 loooong years... the 1st batch of puffs were edible... but only choux pastry could be used... the rest were flat... haha... but since I had already make the durian filling... I have gota succeed in the chouz pastry... if not, the fillings would be wasted... Haiz in the end, I threw away 3 batter before I could get a decent edible pastry... Well, at least it turned out fine...FINALLY!... As seen above, shape of these puffs doesn't look like those sold outside... but who cares, it was edible and that was what I had wanted... As for the shape and presentation, will improve on it in due course... I hope... haha

Cake Sales

The past 2 weeks have been really challenging... There were a few orders every other day and I was overwhelmed with excitement(at baking 2 cakes a day) and stress (making sure the cakes taste nice)... Nevertheless, I managed to deliver the orders... and thankfully, the customers liked it... But there are definitely room for improvements... as I do more experiments, it should get better... So customers, do continue to support me and my cake adventures...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Strawberry Cake

My dearest fren asked me to make a strawberry cake... was scouring the net for strawberry shortcake recipes... read that traditionally, it was supposed to be whipped cream with strawberries... in between 2 big biscuits... but like many others, i chose the "modern" way... sandwiching the cream in between layers of sponge cake...

I was really happy that the sponge cake turned out beeeeautifully today... Guess this really motivated me to make this cake a success... looks-wise, I believe this cake should pass the test... Taste-wise... hmm... i don't know... At the time of this post, I have not even cut the cake... let alone try it... I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope my 'cake guinea pigs' love it... and give me the go-ahead to put it on the cake list... :-D

Father's Day

My cousin and I celebrated Father's Day last Sunday... The dinner at seafood paradise was sooooo yummy... and boy, we were glad that we went early at 6pm... by 8.30pm, the place was crowded and noisy... we baked this chocolate cake and brought it to the restaurant...

Wanted to make durian cake for the dads coz dey lurrrrve durians... but considering the fact that they have been eating durians nearly everyday, we decided against it... in case they suffer from durian-overdose...

This chocolate mousse cake was overall satisfactory... well just need to improve abit more on the taste and it should be perfect, i hope... Nevertheless... it was the 'thought that counts'... Hope the dads enjoyed their dinner and cake!