Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mother's Day Cake

It's Mother's Day again... I celebrated the 1st Mother's Day with my son last year... and gosh, how time flies... It's already my 2nd Mother's Day celebration and Ethan's already 15 months old... Seeing Ethan makes me appreciate my mother... I am guilty of being impatient with her sometimes... Though she was unhappy, she just kept quiet, did not scold me and the matter just fade with time... then we will be back to having out little gossips, chats and laughs...

I had wanted to order a strawberry cheesecake from a friend who makes really nice, light cheesecakes... too bad, my friend is in Hongkong and could not fulfil my order... My cousin and I decided to make our own cheesecakes for our respective mothers... we settled on Tofu cheesecake, which we tried last eyar... and it was really really nice... Unfortunately, the recipe was lost and we could not remember where the recipe was from... We tried a new recipe and the cheese turned out lemony and sour... I decided to add some fruits on it... and tadaa, the cake was YUMMY! I am glad that mummy love it!

Mini Peach Tart

I was browsing through my baking books and my hands were "itchy"... Since I did not feel tired and could not sleep, I decided to bake some tarts... My husband thought I was crazy... I jumped out of bed and started making the dough... It was done in just 15mins... I left it in the fridge and was gonna bake it the next day... I went to Cold Storage and bought canned peach... I had actually wanted to make strawberry tarts... But strawberries were quite expensive these days and I wasn't sure if the tart base was gonna succeed... so I did not want to make waste resources...

I had some moulds and I used it for the base... It ended up being mini tarts... but it does look cute though... Not too bad... I used instant custard powder as the filling... Lazy me couldn't be bothered to make custard from the start... so using instant custard powder was the next best choice :-D

Overall, the tarts turned out really nice... But I will make the base sweeter next time round...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Loaves - Wholemeal & Raisin

I have not had the time to bake recently... And gosh, my mood was affected... I have always used baking as a stress reliever...

Today, I brought my son for his vaccination and I took time off from work to just relax and do my own stuff... My helper and I had a leisurely walk with baby, in Cold Storage at Takashimaya... And I stood in the baking aisle staring at the wholemeal bread flour for 10mins... I was contemplating if I should buy it or not... And if I buy it, should I buy this brand or another... the smallest packet was 1.5kg... The other one was 2kg... I kept thinking if I had used just part of it and left the rest in the pantry... It was another ingredient waiting to be wasted... But since my hubby bought me 3 baking books as a Mother's Day pressie, I feel enthusiastic about bread baking once again... And since I have always wanted to try wholemeal bread, the wholemeal recipes were at the top of the list... I have to admit that I am not a wholemeal fan as I find the texture too rough/coarse... But I know mummy likes it... So at least I know someone will finish what I have baked somehow :-D

We the bread turned out really nice and soft... and this time, I had to stop myself from cutting the loaf the moment it came out of the oven... It has always been a baking NO-NO when it comes to cutting a cake/bread when it is still hot... and I ALWAYS do it... When the loaf has cooled, it was time to take out the new bread slicer that mummy bought for me from Perth... Bread Slicer has been one of the things that I must have in my kitchen... But I could not find it in Singapore... Great that mum found it for me elsewhere... It is really important to have the bread slicer... I have made nice loaves previously, to be spoiled by the slicing later... It was so uneven, it just made the bread looks less appetising... At this point in time, I have already sliced the wholemeal loaf... Have not tried eating it yet... but I feel healthy already... haha...

Hope the raisin one turns out well too... :-D

Today's a NICE DAY!