Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cakes and Bread - Crazy Baking over 2 days

Another orange cake... haha... I will continue to bake the orange and lemon pound cake for the next few days coz I have lotsa oranges and lemons at home... This time, I added a little colouring to the cake batter so that the cake turns out orangey... to differentiate it from the lemon cake... While this cake was in the oven, I was waiting for the bread dough to proof...

Saw the cake recipe from a blog called 'Happy Home Baking'... This lady bakes really nice bread... I decided to try it... The bread turned out nice... not as soft as I had thought it would be... but considering the fact that I have failed at every bread baking attempt previously... I am already very happy this time :-D I am motivated to try other recipes on her blog...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Carrot Cake Part 2

I have decided to give carrot cake another go... This one should be considered a success as compared to the previous ones that I have done... But it still looks too moist to my liking... For this batch, the carrot looks more 'obvious'... Guess this is what carrot cake is... Surprisingly, my 85yo grandmother loves it... Haha... Guess I've got a supporter after all... She likes it soft and moist... I will usually leave my cake overnight and see if it is still as nice if eaten the next day... Do hope I get good reviews on this cake :-D

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pound Cakes

These few days have been really stressful for me and my family... My little baby had a very high fever and and when it finally subsided after 4 days... Rash came out all over his face, head and body... we were running from a lousy doc to KK A&E (my 1st time in A&E) and finally to his usual paediatrician within a span 3 days... Only Dr. Low (his PD) has got an answer for me... and this really reassured me that baby is fine... At least he has started to smile again... and we know he is on his road to recovery...

So I took some time off to bake some cakes... oooh...relaxing... Baked one after another... Didn't wana stop at all... Tried pound cakes today... Lemon, Orange and Coffee... Will try more flavours when my brain "starts working" again :-D Seem to be blank now...

Sleep-deprived... Going into la-la land soon... Zzzzzzz

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Heart Shaped Mixed Fruit Cake

My buddy called me yesterday and asked if I could bake a birthday cake for her ex-colleagues ( 2 girls) as they were gonna have a celebration today... But it took awhile before she could accept my suggestion for a heart-shaped cake... Coz her considerations were that it was a birthday cake AND for 2 girls... Isn't it weird to cut a heart shaped cake together? But I guess we didn't have a choice coz she had wanted a small cake (4 girls eating it after dinner) and this is the only small cake ring that I have... haha... Eventually she agreed to it... It was a little more "challenging" to put the mango slices onto a odd-shaped cake... Well, I guess it didn't turn out too badly huh... Hope the gals like it!

Choc-Banana Cake

My cousin wanted to eat Choc-Banana Cake.... So asked me to bake this for her... Got really upset while piping the chocolate at the top... Somehow, the choc got "stucked" at the tip... by the time I managed to get it out smoothly, the choc has already beome a little bit too runny to handle.. as you can see from the picture... it was a messy border... haiz... It's ok... This is a trial anyway... Just hope the next one will be successful... :-D

Taste-wise... it should be nice and chocolatey... hope it's not too sweet though...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wedding Cake

I would like to thank Rebecca for giving me a chance to make her wedding cake... For this special day, Rebecca's request was to have 2 mixed fruit cakes.... and just a simple fresh flower decoration to make it look like a wedding cake... Glas that everyone likes it...

Congrats Rebecca!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Birthday... to me.... :-D

Happy Birthday to me... happy birthday to meee... happy birthday to happy Birthday to meeee.... :-D

This is one of my happiest birthday coz it's the 1st one that I'm spending together with my little 7-month old son, Ethan... Life has indeed changed after having this baby... some parts for the better... some parts for the worse... but overall... i'm just thankful for this little "gift" from God... He is such a darling... I love him to bits...

This year, I will be celebrating with my parents... Actually I had a prior celebration already... hoho... together with my husband... Went Shin Kushiya for lunch... Loooooove it... beautiful charcoal grilled food... simple marinate... but full of flavour... Yummy!

And guess what, I baked a cake for myself... whhahahaa... Everyone said "oh so poor thing"...but I think otherwise... Have been baking birthday cakes for customers... It's time I made something special for myself... :-D Couldn't get a nice light yellow orchid from the neighbourhood florist... Ended up with pink roses... (yea these flowers were from my husband and now, it's on the cake... haha)... the overall look wasn't really what I wanted it to be... Looks more like a wedding cake than a birthday cake... ooops... but ok la... good enuff... It's the thought (to myself) that counts... hgahahaha...

Ok time to go for my next celebration... Wooohooooo....

Friday, September 4, 2009

Carrot Cake

Angrrrrrrry..... I made 2 unsuccessful carrot cakes (1st pic)! What made it worse was the fact that I have succeeded before (2nd pic)... So what made me fail this time? and TWICE! seriously, I don't have the answer... Every step was done exactly the same as the last one... So what went wrong? Guess there are just some days that I am really jinxed... haha... Just can't get it right...

Anyway, I made one in the afternoon... failed... decided it give it another go in the evening... better than the earlier one.. but still... I consider it fail... coz it just wasn't the texture that I had hoped for... Grrr...

Gosh... Maybe I should stop complaining and start meditating... set my mind at ease... relax... and maybe I will make a successful one... tomorrow? Hmm....