Friday, September 4, 2009

Carrot Cake

Angrrrrrrry..... I made 2 unsuccessful carrot cakes (1st pic)! What made it worse was the fact that I have succeeded before (2nd pic)... So what made me fail this time? and TWICE! seriously, I don't have the answer... Every step was done exactly the same as the last one... So what went wrong? Guess there are just some days that I am really jinxed... haha... Just can't get it right...

Anyway, I made one in the afternoon... failed... decided it give it another go in the evening... better than the earlier one.. but still... I consider it fail... coz it just wasn't the texture that I had hoped for... Grrr...

Gosh... Maybe I should stop complaining and start meditating... set my mind at ease... relax... and maybe I will make a successful one... tomorrow? Hmm....

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