Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Birthday... to me.... :-D

Happy Birthday to me... happy birthday to meee... happy birthday to happy Birthday to meeee.... :-D

This is one of my happiest birthday coz it's the 1st one that I'm spending together with my little 7-month old son, Ethan... Life has indeed changed after having this baby... some parts for the better... some parts for the worse... but overall... i'm just thankful for this little "gift" from God... He is such a darling... I love him to bits...

This year, I will be celebrating with my parents... Actually I had a prior celebration already... hoho... together with my husband... Went Shin Kushiya for lunch... Loooooove it... beautiful charcoal grilled food... simple marinate... but full of flavour... Yummy!

And guess what, I baked a cake for myself... whhahahaa... Everyone said "oh so poor thing"...but I think otherwise... Have been baking birthday cakes for customers... It's time I made something special for myself... :-D Couldn't get a nice light yellow orchid from the neighbourhood florist... Ended up with pink roses... (yea these flowers were from my husband and now, it's on the cake... haha)... the overall look wasn't really what I wanted it to be... Looks more like a wedding cake than a birthday cake... ooops... but ok la... good enuff... It's the thought (to myself) that counts... hgahahaha...

Ok time to go for my next celebration... Wooohooooo....

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