Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brave attempt - banana cake & marble cake

As usual, I had some over-ripe bananas sitting on the counter top... too much to eat... too wasted to throw... so decided to try banana cake again... I remembered the 1st attempt was ok.. subsequent ones were not really nice...

Well, this one was a scare... it took longer than usual to bake... after 45mins... the top was brownish but under it, the batter was still wet.... and i was all prepared to just throw it away... Luckily I persevered... 25mins later, I used the pin to poke into the cake... it came out clean but was still soft... (I have always thought banana cakes should be firm)... but my clever maid told me banana cakes should be soft... So I left it in the oven for another 10mins... took it out and left it on the table for 10mins.... After turning it out of the tin... I left it to cool for 30mins... I cut it into half and what I saw surprised me... the cake was soft and moist... yet not "sticky"... I could still see the cake crumbs... What a pleasant surprise... The cake was tooooooo sweet though... :-P have already cut 50g of sugar from the original recipe... I believe I've gotta use only 1/3 of the sugar stated in the recipe... Trying to bake a banana cake again now... Hope it's better...

My best friend ordered a marble cake from me after trying it the other day... and I had wanted to create a "tiger stripe" pattern as shown in my recipe book... who knows... it turned out like that (pictured)... haha... well, not too bad lah... Just gotta be proud of my cake... And I'm glad April and her mum likes it... Hope they like this cake too...

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