Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 failures, 1 Success, all in a day!

I went Cold Storage today... and as usual, I would browse around in the fruit section since it is nearest to the entrance... I would look around for nice fresh fruits for baking... Wanted to buy some strawberries and continue with my chiffon 'adventure'... then punnets of blueberries attracted my attention... I have always failed with blueberries recipes... failed with blueberry muffins.... failed with blueberry chiffon... But since I bought my new blender, I have been having fun blending various fruits for use in cakes... My previous attempt at baking blueberry chiffon resulted in the blueberries sinking to the bottom of the tin... and I had also underbake it... so when I overturned the tin, the cake dropped out and crumbled into a mess... a disgusting mess... Eeew... Anyway I blended a punnet of blueberries and prepared the usual ingredients... The cake turned out well... Nice and tall... Soft and Fluffy... But when I tasted it... sighz... it has this "raw" smell... Not sure if it is the smell of blueberries or not... but the cake just don't taste nice... I consider it failure, taste-wise...

then I tried baking the black sesame chiffon cake... I have tried it before... my tasters said it was nice... But it appeared too dense to me... So I wanted to make it fluffy... to cut the story short, I failed again... I altered the recipe a little and the result? the cake was not only dense... it was tasteless... duhz... Guess the next try will be many weeks later...

And I threw both cakes away...

Before I retire for the night, I must bake something "edible"... I decided to bake lemon-earl grey chiffon cake... previously, I had baked the earl grey tea pound cake and it garnered many positive reviews... but the tasters said it is a little oily... I decided to "transfer" the pound cake into a lighter, fluffier chiffon one... And it did not disappoint me... nice and light with a lemony aroma... beautiful... Ok I can at least sleep soundly tonight and look forward to a nice breakfast tomorrow...

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