Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy 80th Birthday, Ah Kong!

I have just realised that past few weeks passed really quickly... first it was Ethan's birthday celebration, then Ah Kong's 80th birthday celebration, than few days later, it was CNY... and now, I finally have the time to sit down and update my blog... I was part busy, part lazy to update...

I was in fact baking everyday and for half of the products, i did not even have the time to take pictures of it, let alone post it... Well, before Chinese New Year, I was crazy about bread baking... Now,I am crazy about chiffon cakes... I will be getting really busy from next week onwards... I do hope to be able to find some time to bake...

This is the 1st birthday cake that I bake for Ah Kong's celebration... Last year, my auntie asked if I could bake a cake for him...But it was ridiculous.... I was due to give birth in a week's time and with my bulging tummy, it would be a miracle if I did not give birth while baking...haha... Anyway my gynae did ask me to stop carrying heavy stuff 2 months before my due date coz baby was already in a "nice" position... facing downwards and ready to slide out... So I had to "control" my urge to bake and just pray hard that baby would be good and come out only on his due date... Well, it's been a year since... and Ethan's already ONE... Time flies huh... Oops, better not digress... back to Ah Kong's cake... the usual mangoes that I use for my cakes are not in season and the only mangoes that I could find was the Aussie ones... So I told my aunt I would make a mixed fruit cake... tadaa... this was the creation... The sponge was soft and fluffy... Lotsa fruits... But well, I eventually succumbed to buying 2 Aussie mangoes which cost me $8 and to addinsult to injury, it was SOUR! Duhz... But again, for Ah Kong, I don't mind spending the money... He suffered a stroke about 3 years ago and his memory has deteriorated and actions have become slower... It really hurts to see Ah Kong like that... He was really handsome, strong and talkative before that... I guess we should not take our loved ones for granted coz anything can happen... So I just wana do whatever I can for my lovely grandparents while they are alive :-D

I am glad everyone likes the cake and some even "tabao-ed" home...

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